It is a composition of organic herbs and oils that have been used in Ayurveda for millennia. Pitta people are temperamental by nature, because they are dominated by the element of fire. Pitta is hot and spicy by nature, so to balance it, cooling herbs with a sweet or bitter taste, as well as astringent ones, will be perfect.
The tea is designed to balance the level of the PITTA dosha, having a toning, cooling and slightly calming effect. Thanks to properly selected raw materials, it perfectly fulfills this task.
Ingredients: Licorice root*, fennel*, nettle leaves*, spearmint leaves*, orange essential oil*, coriander*, lavender flowers*
* from organic farming
It is not recommended to consume licorice by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Pitta people are usually very temperamental and strong-willed. They get irritated quite quickly and tend to be envious and jealous. They are bold, organized and love to plan. They have a rather average body build and an average tendency to gain weight. Their hair is neither thin nor excessively thick - you can say that it falls between Vata and Kapha. They are rather light or red. Pitta type people often have freckles and flat birthmarks in the form of moles. They have ruddy, fair skin with a tendency to burn. They also tend to become inflamed both internally and externally. They have problems with acidity, itching and vision. Hot Pitta, in order to balance, needs coolness, peace, good emotions and the womb of nature. She should avoid excess sensations and excessive action. Visits to the pool, cooling baths and calming yoga will do her good.
Liquorice, whose sweet taste balances hot PITTA very well, has a toning and nourishing effect. It works great in the case of reflux and hyperacidity.
Fennel seeds are an excellent remedy to strengthen the digestive system. It has a cooling effect and a sweet taste, so it perfectly balances the PITTA dosha. In addition, it calms, relaxes and fights inflammation in the body.
NETTLE is a well-known and valued plant with a bitter and astringent taste, which means it has a natural ability to reduce excess PITTA in the body. It has a rebuilding effect on tissues, strengthens the kidneys and detoxifies.
MINT will be great during hot weather, as it cools and tones our body. It regulates digestion very well and works diastolic. Thanks to its calming effect, it improves our perceptual abilities in a state of excessive stress.
Coriander in Ayurveda has countless uses. It is a plant for all three doshas, but in the case of the PITTA dosha, its effect is especially appreciated. It affects the regulation of too strong digestive fire and soothes inflammation inside and outside the body. Every PITTA should have it in her herbal first aid kit.
LAVENDER, which has a calming and soothing effect on the digestive system, is an ideal herb for pitta. It also affects the condition of our skin and soothes inflammation.
ORANGE OIL has a mood-enhancing effect, which is why it works well in the case of acute, fiery PITTA dosha.
How to brew:
QUANTITY - 2.0 g
WATER - 200 ml
TIME - 10-15 min
Golden Grain Sp. z o.o.
Brukowa 8
91-341 Łódź
NIP: 1132918936