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Travel and relaxation croissant (powder pink)

159,00 zl

Plantule travel croissant with organic buckwheat or spelt hulls

  • helps you relax and unwind while traveling
  • provides stable support for the cervical spine and head
  • protects against discomfort and pain
  • relieves tension in the neck and nape

    Croissant Plantule takes any form - so that you are always comfortable. At work, in the car, on the road, you can feel at home and comfortable.

      Croissant Plantule will help you relax and feel good outside your home oasis. Wherever you are, you can feel comfortable. The croissant hugs and falls pleasantly heavy on the shoulders, which allows them to gently relax. At the same time, it stably supports the neck and head, correcting posture. You can relax and even fall asleep comfortably, without pain and tension.

      Choice of buckwheat or spelled hulls

      You can choose between two fillings - buckwheat hull or spelled husk. Husks are grown in a traditional, ecological way - without chemicals, spraying or pesticides. Pure scales are created thanks to specially developed, craft processing, thanks to which they are as light and delicate as possible, which positively affects the use of the croissant and the comfort of your relaxation.

      If you choose a filling in the form of buckwheat hulls, the croissant will be heavier, firmer and slightly cool. Buckwheat hull is airy and ensures perfect air circulation, and due to its plasticity, it will always adapt to the shape of your body.

      If you choose a filling in the form of spelled husk, the croissant will be lighter, softer and slightly warmer. Spelled husk neutralizes tension in the body and puts you in a state of blissful relaxation. When warmed up, it acts as a hot water bottle - a croissant heated by a radiator or in the sun strengthens its healing properties; you can use it to relax your neck.

      About the filling

      Buckwheat husk is:

      • hard
      • cool
      • hypoallergenic

      Spelled husk

      • medium soft
      • warm
      • hypoallergenic

      About Plantula

      • Material: cotton, outer soft cotton knitted cover
      • Filling: ecological buckwheat or spelled hulls
      • Size: 35cm
      • Weight: approx. 400 - 500 g

      Plantule roll is:

      ✓ filled with the highest quality organic and certified buckwheat or spelled hulls

      ✓ made of 100% certified cotton

      ✓ made in Poland

      ✓ tailored to you

      Only relaxing moments with Plantula!


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 9 reviews
      W domowym kinie i w podróży

      Po dopasowaniu przez usypanie, ergonomicznie bez zarzutu:-)


      Ładny, ale jeszcze sie z nim docieram. Jest dosyc twardy i wąski po bokach przez co nie mogę się dobrze oprzeć.

      Ewa Rutkowska
      ocena towaru

      Jestem bardzo zadowolona z zakupu i obsługi. Poduszka jest świetna i rogal też, ale bardzo byłabym zadowolona gdybym miała poszewkę na rogala. Pozdrawiam Ewa

      Anna Śleziona
      rogal różowy z wypełnieniem

      Rogal zakupiony na prezent. Osoba obdarowana jest bardzo zadowolona.

      Na podróż długa i krótka

      Rogal chodził za mną od dłuższego czasu. Mam poduszki Plantule, więc wiedziałam, że się nie zawiodę. Jest rewelacyjny, nic nie gniecie, nie trzeba poprawiać, dobrze trzyma się na szyi. Świetnie sprawdza się w aucie dla pasażera. Dodatkowo poszewka jest bardzo przyjemna w dotyku. Na pewno kupię rogala raz jeszcze na prezent dla przyjaciółki :)