5 stress-relieving yoga poses for a good night's sleep with Madalena Yoga

After a hard, stressful day, falling asleep peacefully becomes a feat comparable to reaching the top of the Tatra Mountains. Surely you know that feeling when you go to bed and a million things go through your head that could have been done differently or plans for the next day. From what you eat for breakfast tomorrow to what your friend said to you on November 3, 2005.
We have two suggestions for you. The first is to listen to our conversation with Ania Cylinska - a psychologist and psychotherapist, who advises how to calm down your brain in the evening. You can find the interview here: CLICK.
The second is a calm practice that will allow you to calm down, de-stress and fall into a healthy, deep sleep. It is run by Magdalena Janik and you can watch it here: CLICK. However, if you want to learn some basic postures that will prepare you for sleep, Magda and I have prepared a guide to our favorite asanas for you.
During her practice, Magda uses our Home Sanctuary collection of yoga aids.
1. Sit comfortably, straighten your back, bring your shoulders and arms to your ears. With the exhale, relax them, release the tension. Feel how good it feels to let your shoulders feel heavy. Come to the space you are in, watching your breath. Take your time in this position. It can be a few breaths, or maybe several minutes.
2. Go to baby position. Slide the roller between your knees, put a pillow on it, and on the exhale, lower your body so that you feel the support of the help you have with you. Relax your whole body, rest your cheek, let yourself feel heavy. When you feel ready, change the cheek that you rest on the pillow.
3. Bring the soles of your feet together in front of you. Grab the roller and place it in front of your feet. Find the right position for your body so that nothing hurts you. With an exhalation, put your head on the roller, feel how heavy it is, how your neck and neck relax. Give yourself time to stay in this position.
4. Lie on your back. Place the roller on the right side and lay your back flat. Pull your knees to your chest, round your back, sway. Move your knees to the right side - you can lean them against the roller, and you can slide the roller between your knees. You can use an extra pillow to weigh down and cuddle. Look naturally upward, or add a cervical twist by looking to the left. When you feel ready, switch sides.
5. Look around for a wall. Put your legs on it, lengthening them and bringing your buttocks and hips as close to the wall as possible. You can put a roller under your hips, put a pillow over your eyes. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart. Stay in position for as long as you need.
You can find the whole practice with Magda here:
The briefing to the sleeperplane is over. Thank yourself for the practice, slip under the covers and sleep well. Good night!